Redemption of all nuaxia honoraria is now processed via our honorarium administrator, Tremendous, Inc.
When you choose the incentive type, that incentive provider will have a contractual obligation to you to fulfil the incentive.
All questions following issuance are now administered by emailing help@tremendous.com (please include your 'Reward ID' from your honorarium email in the subject line).
The Four Step Honoraria Process
1. Payments are normally processed in 2 weeks time following survey close.
2. You will then receive an email from rewards@tremendous.com. Click 'View Reward' and the redemption webpage will open

3. After clicking 'Redeem' you will be presented with the payment options relevant to your country. Please double-check the displayed country and change if needed.

4. Following your selection you will receive an email with your honoraria of choice and detailed instructions on it's use.